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39 Ideas    91169 Votes    43 Comments    0 Ideas Implemented
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  • When offering discounts and sending out emails about them it would be great if we could get the emails sooner. It never fails that as soon as I place an order then I get some really great coupons or something.

    Posted by amyto  Customer Service Ideas  on 8/05/2022

Comments (1)

Hello amy, 

Thank you for your idea. The promotions are filter accordingly. The Coupons team will review and see if there is anything more we can consider in this process. 

Have a great day! 
Quill Ideas Team
Posted on 8/22/2022

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About This Site

Your Ideas. Your Vote. Your Voice. A Better for Everyone

The path to a that’s better for everyone starts with a single idea.  Quill Ideas was developed to give everyone a way to share thoughts and ideas that can make your workday easier. Whether you have an idea about products, services or an innovative way to improve your shopping experience, we want you to let us know.  Be part of the community and let your voice be heard. By working together, we will create the best



Your Ideas. Your Vote. Your Voice. A Better for Everyone

The path to a that’s better for everyone starts with a single idea.  Quill Ideas was developed to give everyone a way to share thoughts and ideas that can make your workday easier. Whether you have an idea about products, services or an innovative way to improve your shopping experience, we want you to let us know.  Be part of the community and let your voice be heard. By working together, we will create the best 

How can I participate?

Quill Ideas is an open innovation community. As a registered Quill Ideas member, you will be able to submit your own ideas, vote on ideas, and add a comment to ideas that have been submitted. Log in and start sharing your ideas.  Visitors can feel free to browse and read the ideas that others have posted.  Not a member? Register here

What types of ideas are you looking for?

Any ideas that will help make a better for you and other businesses are encouraged.  We ask that you post in a professional manner. Any message that is deemed inappropriate will be removed from the site. Our rules for appropriate posting behavior can be found in our Terms of Use. 

For general questions or feedback about your shopping experience, please visit our Contact Us page (link) or call us at 800.982.3400.

I see that points and awards are shown on Quill Ideas. How can I earn them?

Score points just by participating. The more you participate the more points you earn.  You can earn them by submitting, commenting and voting on ideas.  Submitting an idea is worth the most points with commenting second and voting third.

When you reach certain point levels, we will recognize you with a ribbon that will be proudly displayed next to your user name.  You can earn multiple ribbons, and top users will be awarded a virtual trophy.

The participation levels are:

Level 1- Green Ribbon User-added image

Level 2- Yellow Ribbon User-added image

Level 3- Red Ribbon User-added image

Level 4- Blue Ribbon User-added image

Level 5- Trophy User-added image

I have a general comment. Where can I leave feedback? 

For general comments, questions or feedback about your shopping experience, please use our feedback tool, visit our Contact Us page or call us at 800.982.3400.

If you have questions about the Quill Ideas community, please feel free to e-mail us.

What happens after I submit an idea?

All ideas will be reviewed. However, all ideas may not enter the status cycle.

Our status levels are as follows: Revise and include the appropriate status icon next to each status

New: All submitted ideas will start at this level. No status designation is assigned.

Under Review: User-added image Any idea that has been submitted to the category owner for a more detailed review.

Reviewed: User-added image The review process has been completed.  Pending next steps.

Closed: User-added image Any idea that has been reviewed and determined it will not move forward

Coming Soon: User-added image Any idea that is put in the process of implementation

Launched: User-added image The idea has been implemented.

Will my identity be anonymous on the site? 

When you register to use the site, you will create a screen name and that will be your name when you post ideas and comments. For added privacy, you will want to pick a unique screen name rather than using your real name. Remember the ideas you post will be seen by any visitor. Read our Privacy Policy to learn how your Quill Ideas account information is handled.

Will my personal information be easily accessed by others?

No. All postings are anonymous and you are only identified by the unique screen name that you have created. Other users will never be able to contact you directly. In certain circumstances, the site moderator may need to contact you through the e-mail address that you provided during account setup. 

How are ideas selected for execution?

Online votes and comments are used to help get ideas developed. Ideas that receive the most votes have a higher chance of being considered. Also, an idea may be selected because it appears to have a potential for success.

How do voting and comments work? 

As a registered user, you can vote on every idea once.  A voting icon is shown next to the idea. Just click to vote on your favorites. It’s that simple.  Each vote is worth 10 points.  A vote up will add ten points and a vote down will take away 10 points.  The idea’s score can be found beneath the voting icons. The higher the points the more popular the idea is.

Read and make comments on a specific idea by clicking on an idea title.  Comment on ideas as many times as you like. There is no limit.  Comments do not earn an idea points. 

Our site moderators will leave comments as well.  These users are identified with a User-added image icon.

Does every idea get a response?

Due to the amount of posts, we won’t be able to respond to every posting. If your idea is moved to the formal review step, you can expect to receive e-mail updates from us.  We will keep you informed if your idea is recommended for implementation and notify you of any status changes. 

Do I get recognized if my idea is selected?

If your idea is implemented, we may give you credit on the site, but there is no monetary compensation. Take a look at our Terms and Conditions to learn more.

Is there a moderator on Quill Ideas?

Your ideas and comments are not reviewed before they are posted.  Any postings that violate the Terms of Use will be removed. When appropriate, we will respond to comments in a timely manner. Profanity will not be tolerated. A filter for profanity is in use. Ideas or comments that include profanity will be blocked from posting until the profanity is deleted. Users with repeated violations will receive an initial warning and possible banning from the site.  Take a look at our terms and conditions to learn more.


Terms of Use

Welcome to the Quill® IdeaSM website (the “Site”).  The Site is operated by Quill Lincolnshire, Inc. (together with its affiliates and subsidiaries, “”, “we” or “our”).  Your use of the Site is governed by these Quill Ideas Terms of Use (the “Terms of Use”), as well as the Terms and Conditions (in the event of any conflict between these Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions, these Terms of Use will control).  Please read these Terms of Use carefully, because they constitute a legal agreement between you and  By registering on, accessing, browsing, or using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.  If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please terminate your use of the Site. reserves the right to change these Terms of Use.  You should check these Terms of Use periodically - by using the Site after we post changes to these Terms of Use, you agree to accept those changes, whether or not you actually reviewed them.  These Terms of Use were last updated on March 24th, 2014. 

1. General. 
The Site allows you to submit your ideas, expression of ideas, or other materials (collectively, a “Submission”) to for its review and consideration.  Do to the volume of submissions, may not be able to respond to, or publish, every Submission made to the Site. 

2. Your Representations.
By making a Submission to the Site, you agree, represent and warrant that: 
(i) You have carefully read these Terms of Use, and you have voluntarily provided your Submission to 
(ii) Your Submission is your own original work, and you have all necessary rights to provide your Submission to 
(iii) Providing your Submission to does not establish a confidential relationship or obligate to treat your Submission (or any related materials) as secret or confidential. 
(iv) has no obligation, either express or implied, to develop or use your Submission, and no compensation is due to you or anyone else for any inadvertent or intentional use of your Submission, related ideas, or ideas derived from your Submission. 
(v) If your Submission is the subject of a pending or issued patent, you have disclosed, or will disclose, that fact to  (To the extent you hold such a patent, we acknowledge that no license under any patent is herein granted to  Any license to use a patented Submission shall be in the form of a written contract, in which event our obligations will be only those described in such contract.) 
(vi) will give your Submission the consideration which it determines, in its sole judgment, to be appropriate. 
(vii), directly or indirectly, may be working on a similar idea, or already know of such idea from other sources.  Neither the discussion or negotiations between and you relating to the possible purchase or license of your Submission, nor the making of any offer for the purchase or license of your Submission, shall prejudice in any way, or be construed as recognition of the novelty, originality, priority, other rights or value of your Submission. 
(viii) If we determine that you have violated these Terms of use, you may be barred from accessing the Site, and we may pursue any remedies available to us. 
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3. License of Your Submission; Option to Purchase. 
(a) You grant to and its designees a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive fully-paid up and royalty-free license to use any ideas, expression of ideas or other information, content or materials in your Submission (collectively, “Materials”) without restrictions of any kind and without any payment or other consideration of any kind, or permission or notification, to you or any third party.  This license shall include, without limitation, the irrevocable right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, combine with other works, alter, translate, distribute copies, display, perform, license the Materials, and all rights therein, in the name of or its designees throughout the universe in perpetuity in any and all media now or hereafter known, and shall also permit and its designees to use portions of the Materials you submit, rerecord or modify any audio tracks or visual images you provide, rewrite any Materials you submit, and/or incorporate other materials, either created by and its designees or licensed from third parties, with the Materials you submit.  Any such works shall be deemed Materials owned by and shall not be subject to your approval or payment by of any compensation to you.  We shall have the right, but not the obligation, to use your name, photograph, likeness, voice, performance, biography and other information about you in connection with the Materials you submit.  You also agree that we are free to use any of the Materials or any comments, information or ideas contained in any content or communication you submit to us or the Site, without notice, compensation or acknowledgement to you, for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to advertising and marketing, modifying the Site and developing products and services. 
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